Saturday, December 6, 2008

friday nigghts.

TGIF! (: i'm soooo tired of waking up early every singggle day. ); ERRR. But anyways, My group finally presented for photography, and for 4th i continued reading twilight, & i'm probably gonna finish it by tonight. Ate lunccch with lana n randy + the guys, and basically randy told me all the answers for the biology test that i failed! haha. luckily, i was able to crammm all that shit into my head >__< Did current events for history, and talked to vivvian. S'weirdd, jordenngherl just txtd me? But kay anywayys! I caught bus to cassie's to help her with her honors science project! lol. It turned out cute =) .. well to me! haha. Then after, we went to OLPH for her rehearsal practice thhinggy, and basically chilled with ryan, n brownrice, n sherwin, n jezz them. hahaha. N after, we headed to "THE SPOT" hahaha. Pllayed a game n which jezz kept loosing all the time. hahaha, so he basically had to do most of the dares. "helaplane" RIGHT JEZZ? Thenn after, jumarrr dropped cassie home, n then meeee. Loll. We had smalltalk, but that's a secret. hahahaha. Can't wait till tomorrrow! BBQ n everything cos, PACQUIAO vs. Delahoyaaa. On the otherhand, christmas is coming up, =) ahhhhhh, i love the smell of christmas trees, ^____^


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